Monday, March 19, 2012

Last minute order.....

LaSt saturday,tgh syok2 tgk citer hindustan kt tv3 tetiba dpt call...
Ada org mintak tlg buatkan blueberry cheese cake. Actually dia anak kpd bbsitter kitorg. Hajat dia nk bwk balik asrama.
Kesian pulak....ikutkan ati mcm malas, nasib baik la byk ingredient ada kt rumah.

Xde deco2 pun.....simple je....

Pagi td jumpa mak dia, anak dia ckp sedap! Sampai x jd bawak gi asrama sebab dia dah ngadap makan suku cake tuh...haha!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DIY: How to make leaf from chocolate

Hari ni mood nk ckp omputih sket....haha! Saje jek, ngade2 nak tulis .sorry la vocabulary mmg out of spec.layanzzz!

Rain rain go away..please come another day...hehe! I have bundle of clothes to space for hanging also...haiyooo

Today i would like to share another simple decoration tips in cooking. What u need to buy is the one n only; Chocolate!!.thats all. Serious,no joke!

Ok let me start,step by step:
1st,we need the fresh leaves. Choose leaf that u know it ia non toxic,no hairy,and nice shape.

I choose bouganvila leaf( pokok bunga kertas) coz it i want small n medium size of leaf. Some say,use bunga raya leaf can give better result. (Photo of sample leaf is at the end of this post,dont.know how to edit)

Remember when u pluck the leaves,dont throw away the leaf stalk (tangkai daun,x tau english panggil apa,hantam je). Why? Easy for handling the leaf and also during leaf removal later....

2nd: melt the chocolate. How to melt? Ahaaaa.....there is two method,either double boil the chocolate or u can heat it in the microwave.

Here i use white chocolate. Same method if u would like to change to Dark chocolate or milk chocolate

3rd:  pour a spoonful of chocolate at the back of the leaf,then spread it nicely on that leaf. Do not overspread the chocolate or u may getting some difficulties later

Make extras...for back up. Then put in the fridge for 5min. Once harden,pull the leaf away.

Hold the leaf stalk,the pull away the leaf



Now you can use the chocolate leaf for food decoration. U can put it on top of your dessert,either cake,ice cream or even on your mee hoon goreng( kalau suka la...)

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.3

DIY: How to make leaf from chocolate

Hari ni mood nk ckp omputih sket....haha! Saje jek, ngade2 nak tulis .sorry la vocabulary mmg out of spec.layanzzz!

Rain rain go away..please come another day...hehe! I have bundle of clothes to space for hanging also...haiyooo

Today i would like to share another simple decoration tips in cooking. What u need to buy is the one n only; Chocolate!!.thats all. Serious,no joke!

Ok let me start,step by step:
1st,we need the fresh leaves. Choose leaf that u know it ia non toxic,no hairy,and nice shape.

I choose bouganvila leaf( pokok bunga kertas) coz it i want small n medium size of leaf. Some say,use bunga raya leaf can give better result.

Remember when u pluck the leaves,dont throw away the leaf stalk (tangkai daun,x tau english panggil apa,hantam je). Why? Easy for handling the leaf and also during leaf removal later....

2nd: melt the chocolate. How to melt? Ahaaaa.....there is two method,either double boil the chocolate or u can heat it in the microwave.

Here i use white chocolate. Same method if u would like to change to Dark chocolate or milk chocolate

3rd: pour a spoonful of chocolate at the back of the leaf,then spread it nicely on that leaf. Do not overspread the chocolate or u may getting some difficulties later

Make extras...for back up. Then put in the fridge for 5min. Once harden,pull the leaf away.

Hold the leaf stalk,the pull away the leaf



Now you can use the chocolate leaf for food decoration. U can put it on top of your dessert,either cake,ice cream or even on your mee hoon goreng( kalau suka la...)

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Terung goreng tempura

Jepun panggil apa ek terung??? Lupa la pulak

Tepung salut dia ni ekceli hubby bought last yr masa dia gi before expired begitu saje....mmg sesuai,senang je lekat. Goreng terung tu then mkn panas2,yummy!

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Dibelanja oleh bos org lain...hehe

Tumpang sekaki..haha! Org ajak kita pegi. Rugi tolak rezeki...

Lagi photo..

src='' />

Cuba teka tgn sape....;)
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pulut kuning

Seronok!!!! 1st time buat pulut kuning tanpa bantuan talian hayat ( call mak la apa lg)

Rendam beras pulut mlm sblmnya dgn kunyit hidup tumbuk,asam keping sket.
Next day,i use my pressure cooker. Masuk air separas dgn beras.set high pressure 7min.
Dah complete , baru letak santan pekat+garam...keep warm sampai masak.
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My roti john siap in 20minutes

Walla! Ni resepi hantam saja lah....janji siap dan sedap dimkn.

Cara buat pun simple je..bhn2 nya:
(Estimate utk 2 adult n 2 kids yg kelaparan)

Roti bantal...beli kt kedai,kalau rajin buat la sendiri
Telur 3biji
Bwg merah 5 ulas
Cili hidup 3 btg, kalau suka pedas letak extra
Ikan bilis yg dah siap kopek. 1 genggam kecil
Garam secubit

Masukkan semua dlm blender,blend.... Siap!

Method nk goreng:
Potong roti tgh

Sapu butter kt roti..x sapu pun bole je...

Then,letak la paste sambal td,pastu bole letak atas kuali...kalau nk tebal inti dia,buat 2x.

Dah masak,angkat.

Nk hidang ikut suka hati,bole letak sayur kobis ke tomato ke pickles ke....then bubuh mayo n sauce.

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Roti panas! roti panas!

Seronok mkn roti buat sendiri...makan panas2 pulak tu.....

Sedap dimakan Begitu saje,cicah dgn air kopi O,lagi terangkat!

Zoom in gambar roti..

Resepi nya saya amik dari blog masam manis, asal nye resepi roti burger. Mcm still sedap je buat loaf bread

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