Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear Pokok Cili

Dear Pokok Cili,

Mase aku beli kat pasar ko nice je, siap ade cili2 merah. Aku terlupe siram ko sebab pegi training and cuti ko mati terus. Pastu aku letak ko kat luar ko hidup balik. Ape hal nih???

Chef yg konon nk pakai fresh cili mase.masak
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

weekend pizza

Suatu hari ahad yg aman damai , setelah penat lelah berjogging sejauh 8 km Taman Bulatan dan di ikuti sesi badmi ton bersama geng badminton dan ayahanda Duraisamy Devaraj. Maka datanglah idea utk buat pizza, idea datang setelah sesi brainstorm ketika breakfast bersama-sama geng badminton sekalian. Huahuahuaa..

Maka bermulalah kisah kelahiran *bunyi echo*

Gambar 1: ingredient atau bahan yg digunakan utk dough. Kali nih letak sikit oatmeal utk rase yg lebih fiber dan lebih sehat *konon nye* bahan2 lain pakai tepung, yeast, gula , garam, air, oregano dan sunflower oil. Tujuan penggunaan sunflower oil tak diketahui, kalau pakai minyak sawit dah tak italiano mama mia la plak nanti kan. Hahaha.. :p

Gambar 2: dough yg siap di uli dan dileperkan. Setelah beberapa kali try end error. Letih gak la..

Gambar 3: topping yg di masak, ingredient senang je. Garlic, bawang besar, tomato paste, green olive, *actually aku baru tau olive adalah zaitun*

Gambar 4: set up topping n dough pizza sebelum masuk oven. Letak onion n cheese for pizza *yg tulis kt packaging* basiccally campuran mozarella dan cheddar. Yup.. part nih memang sungguh italiano... Hahaha...!!!

Gambar 5: tadaa!!! Pizza dah siap!!!

That's it... Any question? Email me.. kthnxbai
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Station One , Bintang Plaza

Station One bintang plaza offer western food with a little bit fusion with malay n chinese .. i guess. Hehe..

The picture is some of the food that we ordered. I guess its only OK. But i ve never tried the lamb chop, chicken chop other specialty dish. During that time we really need carbo.. for energy... Errr... Nevermind :p

Ouh.. one more thing if you into live music. Station One may meet your expectation.. yes, i mean MAY meet your expectation because the band that performed the night we were quite just some high school kids which i guess not really a full time performer. Hehe..
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Roselle fresh from pasar tamu muhibbah

Pagi tadi aku pegi pasar tamu muhibbah. Terjumpe buah (ke bunga??) Roselle. Roselle mmg best kalau buat minuman

Senang je kalau nak buat, gamba first buah roselle dan biji dalam die yg dah di kupas. Cara-cara nya kupas dengan tangan je la. Hehe... Lepas tu rebus dengan dengan air smpai air jadi merah-ungu, macam kaler ribena(gamba second) sejukkan kejap (gambar third) masukkan ais n gula utk manis kan. Siap!!

Roselle mmg bagus sebab ada anti oxident(agaknyer la, sbb die mcm kategori berry kot). Juga bagus sbgai laxative atau pelawas utk kasi lancarrr...hahaha.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Tahukah anda?

Tahukah anda cokelat kt dlm flight Miri-KL berharga RM3.00 . Kalau nak tahu kandungan gula , lemak dan lain2 sila tgk blakang packaging.
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